Product Design: Dyson Bladeless Fan

This can be deemed as the design of the century. A revolutionary fan that does more than a fan, it circulates air better than any other fan, it purifies the air, it is also a heater for seasonal continent and most importantly, it is bladeless.
One look at this product, without any prior knowledge of it, people might think it is a lamp, because it does look like a lamp, or at least that was my first impression that I had when I first saw this. I was completely blown away when I learnt that it was a multi functional fan.
I was completely stoked when I observed closely on this product. When it comes to product design, I feel that there are four things to consider. First, functionality, it is important to note what the product function as. Second, User, who are the target audience for this product? Third Necessity, is it necessary to have this product in the market? And last but not least, Engagement, how do we design to make it engaging for the user or at least the design aspect of it.
Dyson Bladeless fan managed to complete all levels of design research, design thinking and design direction. The mechanics of the fan are second to none, using advance technological techniques that are groundbreaking and new to the industry. The dyson engineering team knows how to shake the ground and stand firm on making their own mark.